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Thursday, October 8, 2009 | I Love Her

Hey viewers ! Today i went to school as usual... But one big thing to share with you guys.
After Art Lesson it was raining heavily.
About 10.20. It was reccess... I went out of the Art room and guess what ?
It was flooding ! The water was reaching in to my shoes and my socks are all wet.
The water was like flowing down the staircase like a fountain. Wish i could swim at there. Lol
That's all for today.

GOF,(Money Expenses)
There's something called Wants and Needs and people dont really know how to see it.
Wants is something that you dont need it to survive and Need is something you need to survive.
What people thinks is Wants is more important then Needs. If i were the person i would put a possitive mind set on how to save and how to spend. Here are some advice.
1.If you want to buy your wants,I dont disagree as everybody has their wants but always put needs in the first place.
2.Save your money slowly and in a possitive way as in dont starve yourself because you want something.
3.Although saving is difficult,If you save little money,bit by bit...It will accumulate to a big amount.
4.It takes time but It's worth it !
5.If you can't control youself, Ask your bestfriend to give a hand. I'm sure you will make it.
That's all viewers ! For further advice leave a tag.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009 | I Love Her

Hey viewers ! It's been 37 Days i did'nt post Lol.
Well...One of the reason is i have no subject to post for GOF. People who is viewing this if you dont mind just leave a tag on any reasonable subject for GOF so i will have something interesting to post.
Students that are having End Of Year exams, Good Luck ! Never Give up !
Looking forward to go for Acting Course after exams.
If anyone want me to inform when i will post, just inform me.Msn or Tag.

Death is something that makes most of the people cry and sad.
Well...Nothing last forever the only thing you can do is treasure the moments that you have so when It's gone, No regrets will be left.Dont let guilt be in your heart for your rest of your life ! It will be miserable. Trust me.
When a person die...Sure you will cry but when time flies by,You could have just forgotten it or still think about it.
Anyway,The person who die is actually not totally gone.The person will be your guardian Angel protecting you from Heaven. Soon you will feel he/she is right beside you.
So there you go...Hope this advice helps =D

Monday, August 31, 2009 | I Love Her

Hey viewers ! =D
Today is a special day, "Teachers Day"
Anyway... There's a celebration for it.
Before that, There is competition in Basketball.
Well, The way i see it... The seniors are much more better than teachers =D
There's a one hour reccess time. (Waste of time !)
After that is Teachers Day celebration.
In the middle of the Celebration, I wanted to go toilet...
Well, When i got up i fell down cause i was sitting with my leg crossed and my leg got Numb.
I can't even control my leg. I can't feel my leg moving...Then the Numb got better and i went to the toilet. ( Leg was injured)
Since my Leg is hurting me... I dont really want to go back to the hall and continue to the Celebration with my leg crossed.
In the mean time, I saw Jie Liang outside General Office waiting for Mr.Vincent Lim.
So i accompany him. School ends at 1.50PM.
We talked and i helped people take off the flag and fold it since i have nothing to do =D
It's going to 1.50PM already...I wanted to wait for my friends.
But i think they were hold back by Mr.Mok.
What i hate about Teacher's Day is... The releasing time is 1.50PM.
How can i visit my Previous School If the releasing time is so late ?

GOF, (Embarassment)
I have told you i fell down in the middle of the celebration.
I have learned and now giving advice if you are Embaressed in the crowd.
When i fell,I dont feel Embarassed. I dont really care about the people laughing at me at the back of me.
Why ? Cause people makes mistakes. If people want to learn to walk. They will fall by chance.
And If the person laughed at you. Dont take revenge of them.
All i can say is, They are cold blooded and have no heart.
If they have one. The colour will not be red. It will be black.
If you fall, Dont cry or get emotional. Just get up and continue what you want to do.
Dont do silly things because you got Embaressed. Everyone will get it someday by chance.
So i hope this helps you =D
Oh yeah,almost forgotten.
When your leg is numb, Try not to stand up as i can ensure you can't stable yourself.
The good news is I have experienced something and learn it so I dont make the same mistakes.
The bad news is my leg hurts. Hope to recover soon .

Thursday, August 13, 2009 | I Love Her

Hey viewers ! I apologise for not posting for so long as I've been super busy ! =D
Anyway...School as per usual.
A message for my fellow friends in school. I am still who I am. Hope you get what i mean.
By the way,I've watched a show called "Forensic Heroes 2".
It is an Chinese drama show. It's really interesting !
It's about investigation and the love scene really almost made me cry.The best part is the last episode ! The most touching moments !
I advice you to watch it. =D

Have you ever felt that you wish you could die or leave your family cause they treat you in a unfair way always as in,
1. Ask you do chores
2. Push all the blame to you
3. Scold you for nothing

Well...The reason why they do that cause,
1. They dont understand you.
2. They have stress.
3. They cant control their temper.
4. They are lazy

If It's 1. Try to make them understand. If they still dont understand.Tag me and say what's the problem.
If It's 2. Try to understand them.Parents have stress due to their job,family and money problems.
If It's 3. Bear with it.As i said,Nobody's perfect. You can try to help to change bad temper If you want to.
If It's 4. Scold them ! Lazyness is not a good habit ! Lazyness has no good in it. If you are lazy,2 things you can do is... Take a bath or drink sweet drink.

Hope this advice helps you ! =D
Anything tag me or add my msn.

Thursday, July 30, 2009 | I Love Her

Today in school there's something happened.
Fire Alarm !(Practice) Everyone was rushing out and i look around...There's a few carrying their bags,I'm one of them. =D
Went to the Field,What I hate about going to the Field is there is lots of Insects and bugs ! Anywhere i had fun with my brothers back there.
After school went to meet with brothers.We created a game called *Baseball*
It's super fun and risky ! hahaha !
Well this is for you,
Although you made a mistake and let the 7 Brothers down but...I've said before,Nobody's Perfect.
You will always remain in the 7 Brothers ! Always and Forever <3

Some relationships are fake as in they did it for money and fame.
Well...I hate those kind of people cause,They dont even know what's true love.
If you wanna choose your Mr/Mrs Right,You must see it on the inside and not on the outside.
1.Dont rush for a relationship when you just met her/him.
2.Love cant be force.
3.Love develope slowly,Dont push it.
4.If you did it for money and not love,Run and hit the wall in high speed.
5.Dont use the oppesite to fufil your needs.
6.When you are together,Treasure the moments.
7.If the relationship can't get along,Dont make the love become hate. At least be friends.

So remember ! *DO NOT PLAY WITH LOVE !*

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 | I Love Her

Today in school I reflect on every single one of my classmates since i have nothing to do...
One word OMG ! From 1T2 - 2T2 the whole class has 100% fully changed ! But the good thing is in class there is lots of entertainment.
2009-2T2 is teacher's worse nightmare ! =D haha
After school about 5plus went Cycling with Poh Choo.
Ride until 7+ then go home.Handphone dieing ! Last battery bar !

GOF,(Playing Truant)
The reason why people play Truant it's because school's bored and they think that it is a waste of time.
Well,I felt that way before but i dont run out of school cause It's really troublesome getting Detension and all...
Here are some ways to keep you busy ! It's much more safer then playing Truant !
(Dont wanna study)
1.Talk to friends
2.Sleep in class
3.Walk around in School
(Wanna Study)
1.Read a book
2.Study with your friends/Teach your friends
3.If you have a noisy class,Try to study/Sit nearer to teacher

Well although these advice are so called bad...But it's much more better and It helps you not to get in Detention Class ! =D

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 | I Love Her

School as per usual ! =D
PE i went "Fishing" ! by using measuring tape and fooling it around ! ( It's very long )
For math i wish got 6 Teacher, Much more fun ! Sadly...Today 2 teacher came only.

Some people thinks that violence can solve all their problems,But they are WRONG !
Violence is just something that makes things worse ! (Unless for fighting tournament,etc.)
If on earth there is no Violence...Dont you think it is a better and peaceful place to live ?
But seriously...If you want settle things,Dont Fight ! Settle down and talk.

GOF,(Illegal Downloading)
Hmmm...Nobody's Perfect,Everyone makes mistakes I'm sure.
Dont feel guilty when you did that cause not only you have done that.
Let me give you some advice,
1.Start over a new leaf.
2.Control yourself !
3.Dont get influence by other people.
4.Enjoy the Guilty-Free LIFE ! =D

Hope this advice helps you !


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Name : Yap Shao Liang
Birthday : 29/03/1995
Age: 14
Statue: Single Sch: ADSS
Intro: Love playing Dota,Surf on net,Outing and going Swimming.




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* That Book
* Going to USA
* Learn Dancing!
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